
My new discovery of TSW prompted me to start this blog. I am not really the type to voice my feelings on social media or public forums, but I was so compelled by the details of what this withdrawal process actually entails. I still don't know what my TSW story is... only time, patience and a lot of sacrifice will tell.

I have watched videos, read countless blogs and medical articles relating to Red Skin Syndrome, Topical Steroid Addiction and Withdrawal. I am one of those people that obsesses over a subject that has any direct impact on my life. Doesn't really matter how big or small it is, I like having as much information as possible, accurate information. For me, having complete knowledge is the only option. I want to be able to understand what is happening, why it's happening and of course what I can expect to happen during this journey. Of course, each experience is unique and like anything else in life, I won't know until I actually live it.

It is only human nature to fear the unknown, but I begin this journey with prayers for the absolute best and preparing for the absolute worse. I'm optimistic, but I'm also realistic. I will find reassurance and inspiration through others who have and are going through the same thing, and I hope that I have the opportunity to inspire anyone that comes across my story. I hope that it relays a realistic message, in the most positive form... If that makes any sense at all.

Note: Misery loves company, and yes, this is miserable. It is okay to be miserable. Anyone who doesn't understand that, has not experienced this. So, find comfort in knowing that I understand. I'm miserable too. :)

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